Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What did we just pass?

There was a recent blog post on about a rebuttal that Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular as people know about it. The writer suggests that as people become more aware of PPACA that people have grown to like it.

There are two problems with her argument.

The first is that it is not true. If you look at the Realclear polling website. The support for the bill has gradually decreased. It is not significant but it is lower. I do not think it is a strong argument to say that the polling has leaned in any direction, expect to say that the polling has always shown that people are against Obamacare. There is clear disparity of individuals not liking Obamacare. The trend has always been, "opposition to Obamacare".

The second is that NO ONE knows what they passed a few months ago. Two shocking developments have come forward. One is that deep within the legislation that now gold coins are now being taxed. The other is that now you need a prescription to withdraw money from your health savings accounts. What else will come forward over the coming months? I am not sure people are growing in liking to the Bill because I am not sure anyone really knows what they passed.

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